With its orange-red flesh, firm texture and delicate flavor, Coho have gained wide consumer acceptance. Their size and excellent color retention properties make them popular in both frozen and smoked forms. Cohos are the second largest of the five species of Alaskan salmon. Because of its similarity to King salmon, Cohos are an excellent choice for grilling, broiling, sautéing, baking, poaching, steaming, and especially smoking. PetersonPlus offers our Coho in 8-10 oz. skin-on fillets that are vacuum sealed and blast frozen to maintain freshness and the highest quality available on the market! Plus, you get it directly from the source, Boat to plate and Frozen to Fork with shipping included!
Nutritional Information
Wild caught Alaskan Coho is a nutritional delight! High in vitamin's A and B12, as well as niacin, selenium, and phosphorus.